Hola Chicos!
today we did activity number 8 in our chapter. It is on page 136. If you were gone, I would like you to write it out as a dialogue. THe pictures are: 1. El parque 2. El Cine 3. El teatro 4. La playa 5. El Rio and 6. La fiesta de cumplean~os. The model for how to do the dialogue is in the upper right hand corner of the page.
We also put into our notes how to conjugate the following irregular verbs:
Estar = to be
Estuve = I was
Estuviste = You were
Estuvo = He was, You were, She was, It was
Estuvimos = We were
Estuvieron = They were, You all were
Tener = to have (Tener que = to have to)
Tuve = I had
Tuviste = you had
Tuvo = He had, She had, It had, You had
Tuvimos = We had
Tuvieron = They had, You all had
Poder = to be able to
Pude = I could
Pudiste = could could
Pudo = he could, she could, it could, you could
Pudimos = we could
Pudieron = they could, you all could
Poner = to put (Poner la mesa = to set the table)
Puse = I put/set
Pusiste = you put/set
Puso = he put/set, she put/set, it put/set, you put/set
Pusimos = we put/set
Pusieron = they put/set, you all put/set
Dar = to give
Di = I gave
Diste = you gave
Dio = he gave, she gave, it gave, you gave
Dimos = we gave
Dieron = they gave, you all gave
Ver = to see
Vi = I saw
Viste = you saw
Vio = he saw, she saw, it saw, you saw
Vimos = we saw
Vieron = they saw, you all saw
You might also like to add:
Hacer = to do/make
Hice = I did/made
Hiciste = you did/made
Hizo = he did/made, she did/made, it did/made, you did/made
Hicimos = we did/made
Hicieron = they did/made, you all did/made
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