Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th Class

Today in class we did not get as FAR as we hoped. We completed activity 1 on page 126 and homework was to write sentences for the following 19 words which will be on monday's spelling test:

Los quehaceres: Chores
1. arreglar el cuarto: to clean the bedroom
2. hacer la cama: to make the bed
3. cocinar: to cook
4. dar de comer al perro/gato : to feed the dog/cat
5. lavar los platos:to wash the dishes
6. poner la mesa: to set the table
7. separar: to separate
(words that go with this are: botellas/bottles, latas/cans, vidrio/glass, perio'dicos/newspapers, and carto'n/cardboard)
8. ayudar: to help
9. lavar la ropa: to wash the clothes
10. limpiar el ban~o: to clean the bathroom
11. pasar la aspiradora: to vacuum
12. quitar el polvo: to dust
13. cortar el ce'sped: to cut the grass (mow the lawn)
14. lavar el coche: to wash the car
15. sacar la basura: take out the trash
16. trabajar en el jardi'n: to garden (do yardwork)

Lugares: Locations
17. el barrio: neighborhood (burrough)
18. la calle: street
19. el cine: cinema


  1. Would you like these sentences to be in the pass tense, or the present?


  2. They can be in either one! Preterite is better because it is good practice, but I don't care... I care more about the verb phrase!
