Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ultimo Dia

Hola Estudiantes Brillantes!
I am so thankful that i was able to teach you, even though it was a short time. You were such a great group of people to work with, and I hope you all do well in the rest of the year, and the rest of your life.

Besos y Abrazos,
Miss Rehberg

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finished the Chapter 2 Test... today we begin "Para Empezar Capitulo 3B"

If you think you have a missing assignment... some see me WEDNESDAY, because it needs to be in before I leave school on Thursday. No exceptions.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Today we took our Chapter 3A Test. It took all class so we will finish it tomorrow. Then we need to move on. The test is HARD. So study, study, study!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today we worked on reviewing vocabulary for monday's test. I have packets for you when you get to class.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Viernes, Lunes, y Martes Ay Caramba!

Mis Disculpas, i did ot write on the blog in the last couple days... and we have done so much!!

El viernes, Sr. Lingle was your substitute...
You worked on your Direct Object Pronoun packet.

El lunes, We worked more on the packet. We then watched "Gramactiva" for the chapter, which went over Directo object pronouns... and introduced you to the easy ones: me, te, and nos.

me invitas = you invite me
te invito = i invite you
los invitamos = we invite them
nos invitan = they invite us.

you then needed to complete all the ones in the packet that we skipped. The packet was turned in on tuesday.

El martes we corrected the last sections and turned in the packet. Then we watched the rest of the "gramactiva" which reviewes the irregular preterite verbs.

Then we watched "En busca de la verdad" (page 150-151) and answered Comprendiste #1-8.
El miercoles, we watched "En Busca de la Verdad" again, but this time with a script. We answered some questions in order to understand what is going on... this is important because you will be continuing this videomisterio for the rest of the semester.

After that we turned to page 146, Your homework is to read the Lectura and answer the 6 questions under Comprendiste.

We will have a test on Monday.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

6 y 7 de Abril

for the last two days we have worked on a packet with exercised on changing direct objects to direct object pronouns. You will finish the packet tomorrow with Mr. Lingle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011

Oye Chicos! Today we learned about OBJETOS DIRECTOS!!

The only one that is weird is "Lo" because the other three are "La" "Las" and "Los"

In English, this topic makes sense:

Did you see Ana?
see (with the helping verb that they don't use in Spanish)=verb
Ana= direct object

but you can of course always change a noun to a pronoun:

Yes I saw her.
her= direct object pronoun.

So lets look at this same sentence in Spanish:

¿Tú viste a Ana?
Ana = objeto directo

Podemos cambiar el nombre a un pronombre...
Sí, la vi.
la= pronombre de objeto indirecto

Let’s try it with each of the pronouns:

1. ¿Él tuvo el libro? No, no lo tuvo.
2. ¿Los estudiantes comieron las hamburguesas? Sí, las comieron.
3. ¿Compramos los videojuegos? No, no los compramos.

Notice, the pronoun goes BEFORE THE CONJUGATED VERB!!! (that is different than in English… so pay attention to it.

I wish I could say it stops there, but it doesn’t. If you have two verbs in a sentence, one conjugated and one not, then you can play around with the location of the pronoun. For example:

I could not see it (the movie) = No, no la pude ver. OR = No, no pude verla.
I have to read it (the book) = Lo tengo que leer. OR = Tengo que leerlo.

Notice that your two options are to put it in front of the conjugated verb, like normal, or you can attach it to the end of the verb in the infinitive!! (That seems more normal to us, because it follows English. It is also what you will hear most often)

*What if the verb is a COMMAND? Like “Read it” or “Do it” or “Look at it”??
Then you attach it to the end of the verb in the command form:
“Léalo” “Hazlo” “Míralo” But this is for another time.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Buenas Tardes Chicos!

hoy, trabajamos en nuestros cuentos. If you needed to finish writing your final draft, you did so. If you needed to type it, you did so, if you needed to finish your pictures, you did so. Because we ran into some computer errors, some of you were unable to finish your final products. I UNDERSTAND! Just get it in tomorrow. Some of you also didn't get your pictures finished... turn those in tomorrow too.

Soon we will be leaving our city in the dust... so lets get our stories finished so we can make our book!

Tomorrow.... we will work on page 138.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

Today was Music Friday!!!! All about Gloria Estephan! check out her new song with pitbull called "No Llores" :)

30th of March... out like a lamb.

Hello, My internet wasn't working last night, so I did not get your post up until today.

Thursday in class we finished our worksheet from wednesday. Then I passed out all your stories. I want you to add "time words" into your stories. It could be things on the worksheet like "First" "Then" "Later" "Much Later" and "Finally" or you could use actually use times like "at eight o'clock in the morning..."

After you finished writing your new rough draft, I gave you a white piece of paper to start drawing your illustrations on. Your illustrations need to be in comic strip form. At least 5 frames (One for where your character started, one for each of the locations, and one for where he is "right now") The catch is, all of the buildings in your pictures must be the pictures from Nuestro Centro (our downtown)... the one in the classroom.

Your last rough drafts are due today and your final drafts will be due on monday (I will correct them during class today.)

Mr. Lingle is going to do Music Friday with you today! Feels like its been forever!

Also, remember to bring $$$ for the taco bus and meet me on the upper deck at 11:45. If you are not there at 11:45 we will leave without you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

martEs el 29 de MaRzO

Hola Chicos!
today we did activity number 8 in our chapter. It is on page 136. If you were gone, I would like you to write it out as a dialogue. THe pictures are: 1. El parque 2. El Cine 3. El teatro 4. La playa 5. El Rio and 6. La fiesta de cumplean~os. The model for how to do the dialogue is in the upper right hand corner of the page.

We also put into our notes how to conjugate the following irregular verbs:

Estar = to be
Estuve = I was
Estuviste = You were
Estuvo = He was, You were, She was, It was
Estuvimos = We were
Estuvieron = They were, You all were

Tener = to have (Tener que = to have to)
Tuve = I had
Tuviste = you had
Tuvo = He had, She had, It had, You had
Tuvimos = We had
Tuvieron = They had, You all had

Poder = to be able to
Pude = I could
Pudiste = could could
Pudo = he could, she could, it could, you could
Pudimos = we could
Pudieron = they could, you all could

Poner = to put (Poner la mesa = to set the table)
Puse = I put/set
Pusiste = you put/set
Puso = he put/set, she put/set, it put/set, you put/set
Pusimos = we put/set
Pusieron = they put/set, you all put/set

Dar = to give
Di = I gave
Diste = you gave
Dio = he gave, she gave, it gave, you gave
Dimos = we gave
Dieron = they gave, you all gave

Ver = to see
Vi = I saw
Viste = you saw
Vio = he saw, she saw, it saw, you saw
Vimos = we saw
Vieron = they saw, you all saw

You might also like to add:

Hacer = to do/make
Hice = I did/made
Hiciste = you did/made
Hizo = he did/made, she did/made, it did/made, you did/made
Hicimos = we did/made
Hicieron = they did/made, you all did/made

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday and Friday

On thursday we used activity 4 to do the dialogue in activity 5. We also enjoyed a performance by Dylan and Jackson. Then we had circle time and listened to a story called "Y Pensar que lo Vi por la Calle Porvenir" (And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street) by Dr. Seuss. We listened to the story and wrote down what we thought was happening.

On Friday we finished the story, and then watched the video in english and compared how well we did! Most of you were pretty surprised to see how well you did.

After finishing the story, we had "recess" and played Futbol. When we play futbol we need to narrate what we are doing so we learned the words:
Driblo: I dribble
Lanzo: I kick/throw
Paso: I pass
Tiro: I shoot
Bloqueo: I block
Atrapo: I catch
Doy Toques: I juggle

We played boys versus girls and the GIRLS WON!!!!

On Tuesday we will be going to the Taco Bus so we can order our lunches in spanish. This is not going to be happening during class, but during lunch. Bring $$$!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

miercoles el 23 de marzo

Today i gave you your missing assignment sheets. all missing assignments are due by friday or you will get a 0.

we finished the videohistoria and completed activity 4 on page 134.

you need this for class tomorrow.

my supervisor will be here tomorrow, please be respectful.

Monday, March 21, 2011

lunes el 21 de marzo

Today we helped the people who were gone on tuesday and wednesday with writing their stories.
If you were gone those two days, your stories are due on Tuesday.

We also went through the audio activities on pages 130 and 131.

If you were gone today, please go to the link on the right for your textbook...
click on your textbook,
then find chapter 3A.
Under 3A please choose audio files
and complete activities 1 and 2,
write down the answers on a piece of paper.
The instructions for each activity are in the book...
This is due on Tuesday.

Curt and Duel had fun playing in the city today... please feel free to play with the city... just remember to be respectful.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

viernes el 18 de marzo

Hola! on friday we finished our stories. Here was the order in which we added to our stories:

Choose three locations.
La Biblioteca
El Teatro
La Heladeri'a

Choose a character (Tigre, Dinosaurio, or Yo)

List the order in which your character entered and left each place:
Ay Caramba! Un tigre se escapo' del zoolo'gico!
El tigre entro' en la biblioteca.
El tigre salio' de la biblioteca.
El tigre ento' en el teatro.
El tigre salio' del teatro.
El tigre entro' la heladeri'a.
Ahora el tigre esta' en la heladeri'a.

Explain how your character arrived at each location:
Ay caramba! Un tigre se escapo' del zoolo'gico!
E'l camino' por la Calle Dobbs y entro' en la biblioteca.
El tigre salio' de la biblioteca. Camino' por la calle y dio una vuelta (turned) por la Avenida Vaqueros.
El tigre ento' en el teatro.
El tigre salio' del teatro y camino' hacia (towards) la cruce (the intersection) y dio una vuelta por la Calle Dobbs. Camino' por la calle hacia la heladeri'a
El tigre entro' la heladeri'a.
Ahora el tigre esta' en la heladeri'a.

Now we added what the characters did in each location (why they went in and why they left):
Ay caramba! Un tigre se escapo' del zoolo'gico!
E'l camino' por la Calle Dobbs y entro' en la biblioteca. E'l quiso sacar un libro. Leyo muchos, pero no pudio' decidir.
El tigre salio' de la biblioteca. Camino' por la calle y dio una vuelta (turned) por la Avenida Vaqueros.
El tigre ento' en el teatro para ver una obra de teatro. Mientras estaba (while he was) en el teatro, se grito' el estomago. E'l tuvo hambre.
El tigre salio' del teatro y camino' hacia (towards) la cruce (the intersection) y dio una vuelta por la Calle Dobbs. Camino' por la calle hacia la heladeri'a
El tigre entro' la heladeri'a. E'l tigre comio' mucho helado chocolate.
Ahora el tigre esta' durmiendo en la heladeri'a porque su estomago esta' lleno de helado.

Try to do as much of your stories as you can. I will be more than willing to help you! DO NOT USE A TRANSLATOR SITE!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

martes el 15 de marzo

Today we went over those vocab words I put in the last post. Our town has already been through so much! We had an earthquake AND a fire! (Ok, they were just drills.) All or the towns people were safe, don't worry. However we are expecting a visit from Godzilla some time tomorrow... Oooooo!

Tomorrow we will attempt to make simple sentences like "I go to the Bank" "You go to the Zoo" I will give you a list of the ones we do and you can email me your sentences! I will give those to you tomorrow!

Had a fun trip!

Monday, March 14, 2011

lunes el 14 de marzo

Spelling test was rescheduled for tomorrow.

Today we finished playing Chutes and Ladders. Everyone got a lot better at telling time! The game went quicker too because we had TWO die. In the last round, Luke limpié el baño and was able to climb the ladder to the second to last square... but Rachael was already there!! Rachael won by having to tell the time: 8 o'clock in the morning. Congradulations Rachael! No homework tonight.

I am missing a lot of buildings, which upsets me because we are going to have a hard time completing tomorrow's activity with half of out city missing. I made it very clear that they were due on Monday. NO EXCEPTIONS. I still expect you to turn in your building. You will receive half credit. I am missing buildings from four people. I hate for this to bring down your grade, however my instructions were clear. No one else can take the credit for your irresponsibility. You are past the age of needing someone to hold your hand, especially those of you who are seniors.

Tomorrow we will take the Spelling Test, finish activity 4 on page 127, and begin learning the vocabulary on pages 130-131. Tomorrow we will learn:
el centro
el supermercado
la farmacia
el correo,
la tienda de equipo deportivo
el banco
el zoológico
el consultorio
el médico
el dentista

These we will learn on Wednesday:
la floristería
estación de bomberos
estación de servicio
la tienda de vaqueros
quiosco de periodicos

y la biblioteca

Sunday, March 13, 2011

viernes el 11 de marzo

Today was a review day. We played Chutes and Ladders. In order to roll the dice, you had to tell the time on the card. If you landed on a space that said you did a chore, you moved up the ladder. If you didn't do a chore, you went down the chute. We are going to continue this game on Monday, so I hope you remember what space you were on!!

Monday we also have a spelling test! Eeeeek!!

You have 19 words (or phrases). THey are also posted here so look a few posts back for your vocab!

Your homework is also due on Monday. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR CARDBOARD BOX! We can't begin out activity until we have all the boxes!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

jueves el 10 de marzo

Today we worked on telling time. I gave everyone a worksheet to complete WITHOUT notes... it was not graded, but will be counted for participation.

Also, you guys began working on Activity 4 in on page 127 in pairs. Allee, Ari and Tori were gone today, so Ari and Allee can work together on this. Tori, you will have to do it on your own. If you have any questions, Taylor can help you or you can post a comment.

Once again, your only homework is the box! So, if you are going to be gone on Monday and Tuesday MAKE SURE TO GET IT TO ME BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!!! You can either turn it in early, or ask Mr. Mehr to let you in on Sunday Morning before you leave to drop it off. i have told him there might be some of you that will need in. BUT YOU HAVE TO REMIND HIM!!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tarea para Miercoles el 9 de Marzo

What? There was class today? Yes. Just because you skipped does not mean you didn't have homework due today and you don't have homework due tomorrow. Gee I feel terrible.

Today I taught you guys how to tell time. Check out page 127 in the book. Please complete Activity 3 and have it finished for class tomorrow.

Also, we have ONE homework item for the rest of the week... we are creating a cardboard-box-city.... You will have to choose a store (I have the list) and then I will give you a box, and you ned to decorate the exterior of the box to look like your location in the city. Do not put anything inside the box because I will be filling them with things. You can look at my "Teatro" box as an example!

Your Box Building will be due on Monday. EVEN IF YOU AREN'T HERE!! OH NO!!! Ari had some ideas... finish it by friday, OR ask Mr. Mehr to let you into the building, before you leave on sunday, to drop it off.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th Class

Today in class we did not get as FAR as we hoped. We completed activity 1 on page 126 and homework was to write sentences for the following 19 words which will be on monday's spelling test:

Los quehaceres: Chores
1. arreglar el cuarto: to clean the bedroom
2. hacer la cama: to make the bed
3. cocinar: to cook
4. dar de comer al perro/gato : to feed the dog/cat
5. lavar los platos:to wash the dishes
6. poner la mesa: to set the table
7. separar: to separate
(words that go with this are: botellas/bottles, latas/cans, vidrio/glass, perio'dicos/newspapers, and carto'n/cardboard)
8. ayudar: to help
9. lavar la ropa: to wash the clothes
10. limpiar el ban~o: to clean the bathroom
11. pasar la aspiradora: to vacuum
12. quitar el polvo: to dust
13. cortar el ce'sped: to cut the grass (mow the lawn)
14. lavar el coche: to wash the car
15. sacar la basura: take out the trash
16. trabajar en el jardi'n: to garden (do yardwork)

Lugares: Locations
17. el barrio: neighborhood (burrough)
18. la calle: street
19. el cine: cinema

Friday, March 4, 2011

Monday March 7

No homework due on monday BUT you DO have a test! so be prepared!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 2B Test rescheduled!!

Hola! I moved your test to thursday since I will be available to help you. If you are going to be gone for Thursday, you are ersponsible for Completing the Para Empezar for chapter 3A. If you are going to be gone on Friday, you will be responsible for the vocabulary on the "Primer Vista" section.

Monday, sentences for the 20 spelling words will be due. On Tuesday we will have a Spelling Test for the Para Empezar words. I will post on here what the 20 words will be.

Good Luck this week!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Here is your Spanish 2 electronic classroom!
Those of you that are in History with me know how this works. If you have any questions when you aren't in the classroom.... this is where you can get ahold of me! It will also tell you when things are due! Yay!